Dental Veneers Smile Makeover with IPS Empress Veneers, Porcelain Veneers and Composite Veneers at Phuket Dental Signature

WHAT IS Dental Veneers?
Dental Veneers are thin porcelain laminates placed over front teeth surface to repairs chipped, broken, worn down or misshapen teeth. Veneers solve such irregularities and create a durable and pleasing smile.
Benefits of Dental Veneers
Dental veneer can be selected Color of a porcelain that it makes dark teeth appear whiter and change the shape, size of teeth as well as close spaces or correct even rotated teeth. Dental Veneers are commonly used in smile makeovers whereby the laminates existing teeth irregularities, align mildly crooked teeth or close gaps.
Types of Dental Veneers
Dental Veneers may be made for different materials or types of procelain including:
1) Composite Veneers
Veneers or Composite Veneers are made from composite resin materials similar tooth colored fillings materials. Composite veneers can change your smile in one day and less expensive.
2) Porcelain Veneers
Veneers or Porcelain Veneers are made in the dental labs that provide long term restorations. Porcelain veneers are stronger, stain resistant and natural color than composite veneers.
3) Lumineers
Lumineers are a type of porcelain veneers that are super wafer thin meaning than less preparation is done on teeth surfaces and in certain cases may be reversible.
Lumineers however tend to be costly and takes time as the porcelain veneers are sent to an overseas laboratory.